Tuesday, July 24, 2012

BTR: Broken Tower Report PN 153

About 1 month ago, I noticed my DL speeds severely underperforming at my job. Though troubled by this, I dismissed it as part of "Network Vision" and decided to be patient while they smooth out the kinks.

After a month of garbage data service, and after waiting so long that it actually ended up affecting my productivity at my job, I had enough and called that sonavabitch in.

10-15 phone calls later with the infamous OKCQC (go on, call them at 8669844962), my issue is not resolved. They allegedly sent out technicians to inspect the tower, but the technicians said there is no problem.

This time I have proof.

Exhibit A: Speed tests done around 8 P.M. PST around the problem area

PN 153

PN 153
PN 6

PN 258

 Exhibit B: A Map of the Problem

Exhibit C: Video Tour with 2 Devices, GS3 & Evo Design

 Galaxy S III filming the Evo circling from the Shell Station on the intersection of Queen Anne and Denny and around.

 Evo filming the GS3:

Look NOC. it's not my device. Stop telling me it is. Oh and by the way, at no point did I sign up to be your quality engineer.

Sad Hesse....

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

EVO Lte finally here. Gameloft games aren't.

In a rather pathetic turn of events, DESPITE the delays in shipping and DESPITE this being a "flagship" device, all Gameloft titles do not work on my EVO Lte. Fantastic job Sprint + HTC. Fantastic.

Surely HTC threw a monkey wrench into the machine when it decided to avoid soft buttons and stick with the hardware keys. Having said that, what a lot of other publishers have been doing to maintain the proper resolution is sticking a dummy menu key in there to get the title to run. See GTA III. Gameloft, in their infinite wisdom, chose to not do this.
