Monday, February 28, 2011

Airaves require GPS... and UPS.

Lesson learned: for clever reasons, Airaves require a GPS signal. Why you ask? Why the fuck would it need GPS? Well... because they don't want you taking your Airave to Botswana and using Sprint. Why? Well... well because they want you to rent a GSM Roaming phone for $45 a week, as well as pay $5 a minute for roaming in Botswana.

WTF right?

Let me just say this: T-Mobile does not use Microcells. T-Mobile uses WIFI UMA (unlicensed mode access something rather) to relay your phones through VOIP while still using your phone number. It's a great thing, and as WIFI chips require less and less power, they are a viable option, sometimes delivering better talk time than on normal cellular networks. While T-Mo UMA should only work in the USA, you can easily rig it to work worldwide.

Not so easy with the Airvana Airave from Sprint. Not only does it require GPS for Big Brother... so they know where you are using it, but it also requires uninterrupted power supply (UPS).

Okay not really, but if your power goes out for a few days, The Airave (for the same reasons mentioned above) "deprovisions" itself and you have to spend 2 hours on the phone with Sprint getting it to work again.

Once you hook up your Airave, pray to god your power does not go out.

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